
BL.A.N.P.S. Was founded by founder Director Late B.L. Agrawal on 24 th June 2009 in fulfillment of apressing a demand from the citizen of the village. The sole aim of the school is to make high standerd elimentary in the village.

It is a Co-Educationl institution and instruction in vorious disciplaines is impares through modern methods of education.

Well qualified teachers interested in the well biing of students are appinted.

Teach aids like maps, chart, toys, paper, Alphabet, Audiovisual Aids and other applications are used to make teaching realisite, vivid, interesting effective.

The medium of instruction of the English and Hindi both.

All round development of the personality of the child os our main objective.

Our aim is to make children clean/happy, healthy and beautiful citizens of the motherland

A Happy Child Nation's pride is our motto.